World Vision International Malawi distributes 300 goats to sixty families in a Pass-On program in Neno

In an effort to make families of lower Neno food secure and migrate them from low income to middle income citizens, World Vision International Malawi has distributed 300 goats to sixty families in a Pass-On program.

The organisation says a total of two thousand goats will be distributed in the program.

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Its Programs Support and Strategy Manager Innocent Pendame said World Vision came up with the initiative after noticing that lower Neno favours animal farming due to its weather pattern, which is dry-hot, as opposed to crop farming.

One of the beneficiaries, Dorris Zakaliya who received five goats, thanked the organisation saying the livestock will help her and her two children.

Neno Agriculture Environment and Natural Resources Officer Patrick Msiyambiri advised the beneficiaries to take good care of the goats for the program to sustain.

Lower Neno encompasses the Areas of Senior Chief Symon, Kamwamba, Zalewa, Lisungwi, Chifunga Matope and Midzemba.


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